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Well hello! See my logo up there... above the blog? That's my new one! And the logo will not only be used for the blog, it will also be the name of my shop. Moon on the rain will start out as Etsy shop, because I'm a firm believer in Etsy-ism... I found out about the initiative years ago and have been buying items from other Etsians ever since. 
Etsy, to me, is heaven. People design, invent and create the most genius of things. I find browsing through Etsy goodies relaxing and inspiring and when I find something I crave... complete euphoria! 

And now I can slowly but surely announce that I will be a part of the Etsy community as well. It's my mission to find gorgeous high quality fabrics and items to create something with, whether it be clutches or bags, clothing or home accessories. The fabrics I use are from around the world... inspired by my travels, my wanderings... Fabrics which African women wrap around their bodies, Indonesian batik, block-printed, handwoven linen from India, vintage saris, scrap and worn-down leather etc. 

I spend my days designing new item-lines, sewing until blister appear on my fingers... But am I loving this new thing... 

I will air the Etsy shop in the next few days. That is if Popcorn lends me his credit card before leaving for Japan. 
Yep, he's off to Japan, Nagoya to be exact. I will be home alone for a whole week. I'll miss him, but I guess I kind of like it too... It means I can take long showers ( twice a day! ), cook whatever I like to eat ( couscous, eggplant ), watch rom-coms all night long and dance in my underpants! 

When Moon on the rain - the shop -  is online I will share the link. I hope there's something of your taste to be found there. 

Have a nice weekend people! 

1 opmerking:

  1. Looks nice!! :D Mooi logo ook! Waar kan ik de bijbehorende Facebook page liken? ♥
