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Yesterday my Popcorn went to Japan for business. He got up real early... It was as if we went on vacation... He went, I wasn't allowed to come along. So there we were... Standing in the hallway, saying goodbye. Such a weird thing it was... 
It's for a week, not forever, but knowing he's on the other side of the planet just makes distances and time-passing seem endless. 

So my man is in Japan... And I instructed him to look around for handprinted fabrics. So besides being there for work, he's on a mission to bring home some faraway fabrics. You know... the fabrics they use for kimono robes. 

Anyway... Tomorrow Elle is coming over. We're going to celebrate Valentine's day as a pathetic duo, both alone ( that's actually a joke - but it's kinda awkward to be celebrating love while our lovers or potential lovers aren't around ). But we're really good at throwing pity parties... The best! With good food, silly movies and singing out loud. 

If you read this Popcorn... Enjoy your stay in Japan! Eat as much sushi as you possibly can and be wise not to drink too much Asahi or Sake. 
And Happy Valentine's Day to you too! 

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