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This morning I woke up to the sound of spring... A bird sang a little song... You know spring's on it's way when you hear this specific bird tjirp. 

I immediately opened all the windows to let the sun and the fresh air in... We've spend the whole winter locked up inside... I think people are, just as much as animals, meant to live outside. Our moods elevate once we go outside, especially when the sun shines and temperatures start rising. 
We take walks, soak up the sun, work in our gardens, serve dinner outside, go on a picnics... No challenge is too big to handle when spring's coming around the corner. 

This morning I felt it... Spring. My mood brightened and I felt invincible. I hope the weather stays as good as it is right now... Spring won't be long! We're in an in-between-sy now... Winter is far gone, but it's not quite spring yet... Inbetweensies feel like hope. And hope is always a good thing. 

Today I bought the Burdastyle magazine. What better moment than to decide to buy this magazine right now... It has a lovely spring collection of sewing goodies. I can't wait to start on a personal project!

Although... and this is a huge confession, I quit the Free Fashion Challenge ( I had to buy socks and gloves, because my fingers nearly froze off! ), I think I won't buy a single commercial fashion item until I've finished a garment from Burdastyle.  
No, let's make it a promise! 

I'll try to post pictures of the process... Oh joy, this is so much fun!! 

Oh and eh... people: stay hopeful... The darker days are almost gone... Spring is on it's way and it's going to be amazing!

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