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Well now... I'm happy to announce to my small number of followers ( and hopefully many 'silent' followers ) that my Etsy shop has officially opened! 

I forced myself to finish the top-stitching on the bags today, but soon found myself overly-productive and wanting to start selling my items. So I finished the bags, pressed them and photographed them so I could list them in the shop. 
By the time Popcorn got home... my shop was up and running and my facebook-followers informed about this joyous moment! 

The first edition is available now and I'm considering it to be some sort of pilot-edition. Waiting to see what will happen, I threw myself into finding the perfect dress pattern to evolve into a state of the art seamstress, so that the next edition will be completely top-notch! 

So now we're at it... Please do pay a visit to Moon on the Rain. Stay a while and tell me what you think! 

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