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These are just prototypes and they are still far from perfect and what I want them to look like... But it's keeping me occupied and busy ( in a good way! ).

I'm on the verge of creating a product line that reflects my style and taste. I'm still designing, gathering materials, sewing, designing some more and on the lookout for fine pieces of leather, but things are starting to look more and more concrete.

I bought some fabric months ago, but left things unfinished... But since I'm unemployed and have plenty of time, I picked up where I left and started sewing again.
And my oh my is it fun! I've been rediscovering my creativity, which I had given up on years ago.

I've been browsing the web for inspiration and found galore.

I have no clue when things are finished and up for sale. But it won't be long. So I'll keep you posted on this exciting subject.

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