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I'm incredibly bummed out right now... Today I had my second drivers-test ( I failed the first time ) and I over-gloriously failed... Again! It's killing me, because I can drive a car, I know all about safety... My skills show to be perfect when I'm driving with my instructor, but somehow I'm completely blacking out when I'm in the middle of a test. My eyes are fixed on the road only, instead of being on the lookout for traffic signs and situations. My mind goes blank... It's just too weird.
So unfortunately I had to take in some bad news at the end. I bit my lip and kept blinking to avoid bursting into tears. It was such a silly and absurd thing... me knowing how to drive, being perfectly confident about it... and to totally, totally mess up the second time too.

My instructor, who was equally shocked when the news was brought, suggested I would try to take a test for people suffering from performance anxiety. Hallelujah. They actually created a test for people like me, who clearly freak out when they have to perform under pressure. Great!
So I 'signed up' immediately... I hope it's going to help me pass the test the next time.

I guess I'm going to order in tonight ( I don't feel like cooking right now ), take a long, hot shower, put on my PJ's and go to bed early. To sleep it all off.

On a brighter note: I'm expecting some new fabrics tomorrow, which will be delivered in the mail. Gorgeous batik, african cotton and faux-suede ( they had real suede, but I'd rather hand-pick real leather ) of superb quality and some chambray in mauve and pistachio. Can't wait!

Enjoy your evenings people! And please do check back in later... this lament of mine isn't going to last forever...

Picture from here

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