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What a week... Tension is building up as I'm heading towards the end... At work that is. Next thursday is my last day at work, but I'm literally counting down the days... The past weeks were a struggle... But it's drawing to a close and I'm happy for it to end. I feel like an elastic band which has lost its stretch.

One week to go...

Today some bad news came to me. One of my colleagues is feared to be very, very sick. She's my age and the news hit me hard. I just can't stop thinking about it... How it's her, but could be me or someone else close. This shit is absolutely random and it scares me.
My thoughts are with her and I hope she's going to be ok. Younger people ( as well as old ones though ) are not supposed to get sick in the prime of their lives. It's just no good, such a sad thing.

But not all was bad today... My driving-lesson went quite ok. I didn't crash the car and... well... I guess I'm even a little proud about how I did today. And I got myself some Estee Lauder products, because they were on sale and my friend Elle got me all enthusiastic about it ( as well as some beauty blogs I follow for make-up advice etc. ). This stuff is amazing!! So if you've waited for a while to buy something like Idealist or from the Daywear line, now's the time... They have a 25% discount on skincare at Sephora ( in Holland )...

This weekend we're off to Haarlem, to visit friends... We're going to eat at Flamboyant, the most perfect Indonesian cuisine! After that we'll be heading to a cocktail bar to end the night. I think we should toast to life... because it's wonderful and we should be happy that we're in good shape and health... Because that is certainly not a given thing.

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