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A few days back, someone on twitter asked me what on earth took me so long... See, I had a blog before Moon on the Rain. A lovely blog... I posted all sorts of things... But, one day I just woke up and realized I was up for something new ( which happens to me all the time by the way... ).
I always wanted to blog in a more universal language, but I had blogged for quite some time in Dutch, so the transition would be, well... not easily overcome by my many secret and silent followers.

But this person ( on twitter ) clearly 'missed' me posting... She missed me! Hallelujah! I am being missed...! I think this is a biggie, because I didn't realize people actually followed me! Wow... I'm really touched you guys....
So I thanked her and instantly redirected her to Moon on the Rain. Dear follower... I hope you will enjoy Moon as much as you did Lievefleur . I will try my best to post something that makes sense... Most stuff is just jibberish.

But here's my first sensible post, because I'm desperate to spread the word about Bumble & Bumble's Surf Spray. Never ever - ever have I used a hair product that does so much and so little at the same time! My hair is.... well... my hair. I cut it short whenever I feel bad hair days are repeating themselves a little too often..., but I secretly want to grow it to at least shoulder length.
With Bumble & Bumble Surf Spray I next to never have a bad hair day anymore... which is a miracle!!

My bestie Elle had me convinced after just a few spritzes in my damp hair. Amazing!! Like I've spend a day at the beach! It's easy to use and gives you just that little bit of extra volume and texture.
Brilliant... So I went over to the Red Carpet Queen Store, where they sell all sorts of bumble & bumble magic.
I have to admit it's a little pricey... It's 27 euros ( I got it on sale though for 21! ) and a day at the beach does the exact same thing, while being a lot more fun as well... But this friends, is a holy grail! I think I will buy this stuff for as long as they sell it....

Also... see that dish? It was yummy! Spaghetti with tuna meatballs, pesto and parmesan. Easy, healthy... A keeper! Click here for the recipe.

Oh and ... If you come across this blog and find my endless monologues somewhat funny... Please stick around... I would love you to become a follower... You can 'sign up' in the bar on right, just scroll down a bit until you can click the 'follow' button. It is much appreciated!

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