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There... Time to blog again at last! Last week I met up with one of my best friends. I spent the whole weekend in a cute apartment near the city centre of Amsterdam - having some much needed 'girl-time'.
Since I already committed myself to the Free Fashion Challenge, shopping clothes was out of the question... Wished she didn't drag me to American Apparel. But I resisted, hurray!

We went 'shopping', sipped tea and wine, got fancy Italian tapas-style yummies and laughed until our stomachs hurt... Literally hurt... Although... that might have been the roti which started some serious stomach-cramps...
Anyway... We had a blast. If you can read Dutch read her post on the weekend ( here ).

Then Monday came and with it  the flu... a stomach flu to be specific. It lasted 'til Tuesday evening. What a waste of fine time.
As I wrote earlier... I've been keeping away from malls, shopping areas and online shops and I guess I'm off to a good start. I haven't felt the urge to buy something... which is pretty amazing! Than again... I was still awaiting a delivery... Shoes that I had purchased online before I started the FFC. So I had something in store to keep me happy and satisfied.
And they make me happy and satisfied! See the picture above? I love my new black Pepe Jeans ankle boots! I figured, beside storing up on tights and leggings, I needed a pair of black shoes to get through this non-shopping year.

Also... I received the first assignment. Make an inventory of your wardrobe... Which I did and made me laugh out loud, because I felt silly after realizing that I have 24 pairs of shoes instead of 8 pairs, which I thought before counting... That's triple as much!
And that's what I begun with! The actual clothes still needed counting... This is what I found in my closet:

24 pairs of shoes - 17 tank tops - 5 blouses - 26 t-shirts - 11 vests - 3 jackets/blazers - 1 sweater - 6 coats - 6 tights - 10 bras - 2 bikinis - countless panties - 15 dress/tunics - 13 pants - 7 skirts  and 4 proper bags!

That's a total of 150 pieces. One-hundred-and-fifty!! If I can't make it through the year with this amount of clothes, there's seriously something wrong with me.

It was fun to make the inventory and it made me see/realize things I didn't know of the things I had. Almost three-quarters of my clothes is easy purchased, fast fashion. The rest is a little more unique, a tad more expensive, but a whole lot of more me.
I hope, with this challenge, I can save up some money to buy pieces that are of perfect quality, one-of-a-kind and complement my style.

I can't wait for the next assignment!! This is something cool people! Oh and by the way... 601 people have joined the challenge in the past week... Oh man... give it a try! Who's with me?!

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