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I'm not one for New Year resolutions... I can't think of them and I'm definitely not good at keeping them if I find myself one. But there's this one thing I need to change about myself...  And since I have a whole year to commit myself to it, I might make this one a 'real' NY-reso. 

So here I am confessing... I have a teeny, tiny addiction.... I like... No. I love to shop. Not the extremely expensive stuff, but every single month, even if I just bought something, I crave new clothes, new make up, new whatever... There's no limit when it comes to buying things I don't need... 
Something that, even though buying something gives me immediate gratification, bothers me. It does... It really, really does. 

This evening I found out about a very cool initiative. My life raft if you may... If I manage to follow through, I think I'll emerge a different, more content and creative person. 
It's called the Free Fashion Challenge. Laura de Jong, a Dutch fashion student, started this movement with the help of the Amsterdam Fashion Institute. The word was spread by various media and now there's hundreds of participants...
The challenge: Do not buy clothes or fashion accessories for 1 year. Not even underwear or socks. Also you're not allowed to buy fabric to make new clothes or accept things that were gifted to you. 
A hell of a challenge if you're asking me, but it serves a good cause. The whole idea is to not participate in this mass consumption, to re-invent yourself using the clothes you already have. We buy and buy and buy some more... That's not what fashion is about. Fashion has become disposable. 
Free Fashion wants to change the way we see fashion and make fashion more sustainable and long term oriented. 
I'm all about good causes working on sustainability, ecological, organic solutions and all things green. So I'm very much into this initiative! And I think it will help me on a personal level to beat this unhealthy and unnecessary addiction. It's ridiculous how I think my perfect clothes are all of a sudden out of fashion... And it's silly how often I stand in front of my closet thinking I have nothing to wear. 

So I'm going to commit myself to it... I hope I can make it through to next year... It scares me to not even being able to buy flip flops in summer. OK... I might not make it, because I just threw out a bunch of 'old' clothes ( and I'm a weakling! ), including things that were in dire need of replacement next season... But I will stretch beyond limits... It's a promise.v

Wish me luck... I'm going to need it.

Want to participate ( please say you do, so we can swap clothes!!! )? Check the website! 

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