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There.... I made it through to today! Last week was all about goodbyes, wrapping up at the place where I've been working the past three years. I've had a really good time there, but I'm incredibly happy to finally move on.

I'm a bit tired still..., but I will sit down and line up some posts for the weeks to come. It's amazing what you can get done once you have all the time in the world. That last thing isn't entirely true, because I've got to find myself a job sooner or later, but I'm trying to create a calm and motivated base to start from.
See... I've been working my butt off the past years and the stress, tiredness and all things ugly caught up with me... So now I need to be indoors for at least a week, wearing nothing but pajamas and no make-up.
Strip myself down to my weary core, let it all out and recharge the battery somewhat.

So... what's your week going to look like?

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