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I'm probably no exception, but I'm a huge tea fan! I need to start my day with a cup of tea... To warm me up, to wake me up, to relax me for things to come... I can't go without. Throughout the day I will drink this soothing beverage to keep my spirit up. Tea never lets me down. And before I go to bed... Yep, some herbal infused tea to help me fall asleep.

This morning while I was cleaning out the cabinet, I found a package of Pukka Three Ginger Tea. Ginger tea... Oh my... it's one of my favorites! It brings back a lot of lovely memories... See, wherever we went in China and Indonesia, people always welcomed us with a cup of home brewed Ginger tea. Some made of dried ginger combined with tea leaves, some with hot water and slices of fresh ginger root.
The flavor is very specific.... Nothing else on earth tastes like ginger. It's spicy, but fresh... It's a deep taste with hints of citrus.

Besides being incredibly tasty, it's also said to be very healthy! It prevents colds, aids digestion and is a remedy against motion sickness, nausea and sore throats.
So... you can drink it by the dozen and never get a cold ever again! Or... if you're pregnant... drink it in the morning to prevent morning sickness and vomiting.

You can easily home-make ginger tea. Just boil some water and slice up some fresh ginger root. Have it brew for a while and you're good to go. You can add a slice of lemon or orange to add some more flavor to it, but I love to drink it pure.

If you want a quick fix cup of ginger tea... There's a variety of ginger teas available in supermarkets or nature/organic shops.
I'm particularly crazy about Pukka Three Ginger, Numi Ginger Sun and Dr. Stuarts Apple & Ginger.

But if you want a traditional cup of ginger tea.... Take the next flight to either Beijing or Jakarta and ask for Jiãng chá or Teh jahe. Sit back, relax and enjoy the original Ginger tea!

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