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It's been a while since my last post. There is a lot going on in my life right now... Good and not so good. I'll manage, but every day off, every free moment, seems to be absorbed by these changes.

The past weeks I've been busy getting my driver's license. I love driving the car, but it doesn't come easily... January 3 I'm having my exam, so I'm practicing and studying the theory hard. I'm trying my best to pass the exam the first time. Just to be done with it and to finally being able to drive myself. A lot of roadtrips have been planned already...

So that's one of the things that is keeping me busy... I'm not sure if I can go about telling the rest here. I don't think I have that much readers and probably none of 'em being close to me ( as in colleagues, friends, and other... ), but still...
But I can tell you this... It's about the biggest change and it's scary, but incredibly nice and I'm up for it!
Some bad things have been happening too, but I won't bother you with it... It makes daily life a little bit of a struggle right now, but I'm sure it's going to be a-okay in the end.
It's pretty much getting me sleep deprived ( out of nervousness and excitement mainly ) and on edge all the time. Can't wait for the new year to arrive, when all is well and new and waiting for long-waited-for beginnings.

Well, that all being said... A story with less secrets. Last week we've been to Sweden. It was absolutely amazing! This was my first time there, but I think I will go more often. It was really cold... Or, ehm... well maybe not that cold, but we live in a big city here, which makes the cold not so cold I guess... But out there, in the middle of the forest, by a lake with all the empty space around... Yep, it's definitely freezing! I'm glad I brought my winter boots and wool coat.

We flew to Oslo, Norway and drove with a rental car to Torsby in Sweden. Oh my... All these cute wooden houses in the prettiest colors set against a jaw-dropping background of beech trees and lakes.
It's when I'm traveling to places like this, that I'm realizing how still stillness really is and how much I miss it living in the big city. And how dark it gets at night and what stars actually look like. Abundant and galaxy-like ( this might sound funny, but where we live it's always to light to see the stars properly... ). Absolutely amazing!
This week was for refueling myself, and it did. But I didn't now by then what things would happen once I got home. So I guess I'm up for another week in complete stillness.

I'm going to do my best updating the blog on a more regular base... I actually missed the writing...

And if I break my promise and not update before Christmas..... Have a good one! Be with loved ones, be warm, be kind... You know... Be Christmassy!

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