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I m s o g o n n a b e t h e n e x t m a s t e r c h e f

Fall is my favorite season of all. The rainy and cold weather, the colors, the food... Fall has written p-e-r-f-e-c-t all over it.
I have come down with a flu, but advil saves the day. So I stayed in bed 'til noon today, watching Harry Potter (  no clue why HP though ) and browsing the net for recipes.
After taking a long hot shower, putting on a little bit of make up to not completely look like some contagious freak, I went to the supermarket.
Packed with two large bags I drove home and climbed the endless looking stairs ( it's just two of 'em..., but still... ).

I first made some Chai-spiced cookies to go with my Vanilla and Soya-lattes. Oh my.... that freshly baked cookie smell is the best! I wish I could bottle it and sniff it whenever I feel like it.
After that I prepared the focaccia dough and rolled it out on a baking sheet. I covered it with red grapes and rosemary and threw it in the oven.
Meanwhile I made a ginger syrup for a fall-drink. A orange, ginger and bourbon cooler. My goodness, it even sounds amazing. I think I gained a pound just thinking of all the things I was about to consume.

A salad with haricots verts and figs on the side and this evening's dinner was ready to be served. Popcorn came home just in time. We both ate 'til we were completely stuffed and drank 'til we got a little tipsy. We are not really used to drinking heavy liquor, such a bourbon.
It was absolutely delish! I'm really proud of myself. A true woman... Being ill, but still managing to run errands, clean the house and cook her man a lovely and healthy dinner ( I'm not at all traditional, but I won't whine or complain when sick and try as hard as I can to still get things done... ). Yep, I did well today!

Click the links in the text for recipes. Give these a go... It's easy and really tasty!

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