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W e a r e t h e h a r d w o r k i n g k i n d

My heaven... This week is insane. We are trying our best coping with the weather which changed quite drastically these past few weeks. And even though we manage to stay upbeat through these fall storms, all the rest of the world seems to be in complete chaos, which in the end will affect us. 

And by us I mean this household I'm in... We're getting up early, work our butts of at work, come home late because of the numerous traffic jams, cook, eat and work some more. 
Popcorn's busy with some dizzying project he took on. Deadline included. So whenever he's home, he really isn't, because he's working. I'm not complaining. I admire him for his devotion and I think the result of this project is going to be kick-ass. 
And besides that... I'm also always busy doing something. I get up at 6AM practically every morning. Drag myself to the shower, slap on some make up and make my way through the cold to work. 
I work in a daycare with the littlest. They are the cutest things and I take pride in the fact that I can nurture and help raise someone else's baby with all the love in the world. Even though it's not my own baby.
But it's quite a heavy practice. Carrying around babies, withstanding hours of whining, dodging boogers and puke and trying to get the lovelies to sleep ( while next door's neighbors are breaking down the house... ). And on gloomy days like these matters get worse. A lot. 
My back is sore and I'm feeling a bit jumpy. 
And when I'm finally home I can barely sit still because I have to squeeze in all the things that I want to get done before going to bed. That includes cooking, eating, vacuuming, doing my daily reads, go jogging, take a shower, read a book... and by the time I'm done with all of that, it's far past midnight. 

So I'm pretty much functioning on less than 5 hours of sleep. Although I can't even call it functioning anymore. I'm on the autopilot. It's my survival mechanism. It kicks in whenever it's a little too much. 

Well, I'm kind of like making it sound as if we're not capable of fun and relaxation anymore. But no. We're are working very, very hard at the moment, but I guess we're happy. Yes, we are. Happy, happy, happy. 
We cook lovely dinners, watch television late at night, make cups of hot chocolate, take long baths, cuddle a little with our furry flatmates and read interesting books. That doesn't sound bad right? So there's plenty of fun. 
But here's hopin' one of us is getting a big fat bonus. I think we deserve it. 

Ok so: the top pictures are showing a yummy recipe I found via Tastespotting. They're mini calzones filled with roasted pumpkin and sage-walnut pesto. Easy-to-make comfort food. 
Bottom picture is my hard-working Popcorn. Doesn't he look serious? 

You can find the recipe here. I would love to type it out, but see.... I'm a little short with time before I go to bed. I'm sure you don't mind... 

Oh and I'm trying to write some interesting articles and reviews for the blog. I used to be so good at this when I posted on Lievefleur. You know... in Dutch. I guess I need to get used to blogging in English. There's definitely a barrier when you are trying something different than your mother tongue and hope to be successful at it. I have to translate while reading an article, then form the words and text in my mind and write it down in correct English. 

Oh well...  there's a lot of stuff, good stuff, coming up. So stay tuned. 

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