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Good morning everyone! And what a good morning it is indeed.... The sun is out shining and the temperature's rising, we slept with the windows open and didn't get cold for the first time this season. It feels good to let the air in... We woke up happy and refreshed, and that after a hard day's work yesterday...

This week is going to be a rollercoaster. Well, actually... the past weeks have been quite hectic. Popcorn's been busy preparing for an annual exhibition ( in technical supplies that is - no artsy partsy stuff! ). Leaving the house early in the morning, coming home late and working 'til midnight. He's been away the whole weekend.... Haven't seen him in weeks so to speak... So yesterday I volunteered helping him out. As I will do the rest of this week, starting tomorrow.
Which I secretly love though, because I get to work again! Even though it's just for this week, I like being busy with something work-related again.
I'll be pouring coffees like a wannabe-barista and spend my afternoons as a bartender, serving cold beer and wine. It'll be fun.
However... This thursday I have another drivers exam, which is pretty exciting and scary... I'm not yet nervous, but oh I will be... Just you wait and see.
I hope, hope, hope to pass this time. I'm so done with it... I would love to pass now, receive the certificate next week and drive somewhere myself. Freedom at last!

Today no exhibition and I do not allow myself to think of thursday, so it's should be a nice day... I think I will go out for a walk, do some grocery shopping, call the hairdresser to inform them on completely ruining my hair ( I'm not exactly looking forward to that... ) and maybe restoring my precious, or what's left of it, hair. And cook a healthy and tasty dinner tonight.
Busy weeks tend to endanger your healthy diet, we've been ordering in a little to often to my liking.
But I'll prepare myself a baby spinach and orange smoothie in a bit.... Detox the bad stuff out and start with a clean slate.

Have a good one people!

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