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Two finished items - still laying on my sewing table - which will be up for sale in my Etsy shop this week. 
Due to my stomach flu I haven't been as productive and motivated as I was before I got sick. I'm a little bit of a perfectionist and I hate taking a step back, so it's pretty frustrating not being able to do as much as I want. 
Maybe I'm just facing an off-week... I'm tired and cranky... I hate these weeks. I get up in the morning, take a shower and get back to bed... Sew a little, take a cup of tea, get back to bed, watch a movie or two, take a nap, sew a little more - finding out the wrong side is facing up - unstitch the whole thing and decide to go back to bed. Ugh! 

Maybe it's like a writers block for amateur seamstresses... Or maybe it's just this jerk of a flu. 

Anyway... I'll stop complaining and do what's best on days like these... Crawl right back into bed and sleep it off. 

I'm a little proud though that I managed to finish two items today... So today isn't a complete loss. 
Which off course it shouldn't be, because it's Popcorn's birthday... But he's sick too, so we're having a pity party with tons of balloons!  

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